
School Pics

On my final day at Mom's house, we hit the alfalfa field across the street to do school pictures for Jaxon, Brenna and all of Shanna's kids. Here's a sample!


A Visit

Headed to Mom's for a couple of days. Serious quilting was on the docket...along with pictures galore! It's a true blessing that all of us girls have been able to spend so little on our weddings thanks to the talents of everyone else (photography, flowers, cake, decor, music, etc. is all done by someone professionally, within the family, free labor). It definitely helps the wedding budget!


Hailee's a Bride!

Went to Mom's for a few days to help get wedding stuff together and to quilt like a mad woman. Hailee, Mariah, Ava and I went out for a Bridal Session one evening. It's hard to believe that these gorgeous urban portraits are taken in small, rural Richfield and Sigurd! I'm in love with this entire session!



There was a day when Sissy was getting on my last nerve and no matter what I did she would hang on my leg and whine. So, I grabbed the hair ties and a tackle box and asked her to sort them into colors. And she did it! She sat at the table for almost 90 minutes sorting hair ties!



Spend my Sunday afternoon making corsages and boutonnieres for Hailee's upcoming wedding.  It's only about 18 days away and we are in a flurry to get everything finished in time!  The kidlets and I are headed to Mom's house sometime this week to help finish up more wedding projects and take Hailee's Bridals! 



Look who came to visit us today!  Hope turned 4 weeks old a few days ago and today was the first day Lyle has seen her!  He sure loves little babies.  Hope still isn't as big as Ava was when she was born!


Hailee & Nick are Engaged!

Little sister Hailee is all engaged and getting married and stuff! :) She's super excited and we had a little engagement session after the Vee Reunion was over. I was nervous at first, because I'd never been to this location...but Payson City Park is uber gorgeous!


Visarraga Reunion 2012

We held the Visarraga Reunion at the Payson City park this year. It's always fun to hang out with my family; even if 7 girls (plus granddaughters) can cause some drama. Mom planned lots of fun crafts, we tied a quilt for Hailee's upcoming wedding, had the kids raffle, kids treasure hunt and the adult auction. I even fit in an Engagement Session while I was there (more on that later). All in all, a fun day!