

Halloween this year was a blast. It was a balmy 70 degrees during trick-or-treating, which meant neither of the kids had to wear a coat over their costumes! Yay! It's always frustrating to me to spend the money/time on a costume only to cover it up with a coat so they can trick-or-treat in the snow.  We went trick-or-treating with Jamie and her kidlets for about an hour and half, and then headed to Lucas' house for his annual scones/hot chocolate.  He does it for his neighborhood every year.  We hit a few houses in his neighborhood too. 

This was Sean's last year trick-or-treating.  He will be 12 by next Halloween and too old.  Hopefully he will want to do a party or something. 

Ava received numerous compliments on her costume and she did a great job going up to each door and saying "trick or treat" and "thank you". A few houses scared her, but with me holding her, she was fine. 

It was seriously such a fun Halloween!  Now, the countdown to Thanksgiving.

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