
Asylum 49

I went to my first Haunted House last night. Asylum 49 in Tooele. It's an old hospital that is apparently truly haunted. They have ghost tours and ghost hunts January through July...then they start preparing for Halloween and the haunted house. I was extremely apprehensive about going. Jamie planned a girls' night and told me I had to go.

After dinner, we headed to the Asylum and my stomach was in knots. We all hit the port-a-potties before we went inside (Angie A. said she was going to die because there were so many germs...haha). It was fairly creatively decorated on the outside; we bought our "tickets" out of the back of an ambulance with lights flashing, our "tickets" were hospital bracelets, and the line was separated by IV bags and drip lines. I screamed right when we walked in the door. I had seen a shaking decoration (like the motion-activated ones) through the door when groups before us had gone in...so I was expecting it. What I wasn't expecting, was for the decoration to be an actual person who came up behind me and breathed in my ear and when I turned around, these freaky eyes were just looking at me. I was pretty much NOT ok through the first half. We had to go down this pitch black tunnel that had a sloping ceiling and the walls closed in on you...you couldn't see a thing. It was awful. There were plenty of chainsaws and amputated limbs, bloody walls and screaming "patients", but there was also some creative sections too that didn't scare me as badly; a maze made out of jail cell walls and decorated with only glow-in-the-dark Jason masks, outdoor corn maze, room of mirrors maze, black light carnival room and a circus tent maze...it took us forever to find our way out of that last room. Jamie stayed in front of me the entire time, letting me squeeze the life out of her hand and bury my face in her back. Rebecca S. clung tightly to MY hand...even though I wasn't much of a comfort as I was relying on Jamie for my own comfort. Angie A. just marched right ahead and bravely led our group through every maze and every room.

I can now say I've gone through a haunted house, and I can now say I'll never go to another. I just have no idea why people think that type of thing is fun!? It's a good thing we ended the night with ice cream at Cold Stone. Ice cream can cure almost any fear.

1 comment:

  1. BOO - Its only me and you were a comfort - more than you know! Thanks for letting me hang out with you ladies. It was very memorable! Luv ya...
