

There are still moments when I'm smacked in the face with what a miracle Ava is (well, both of my children, really...but right now, it's about Sis).  I'll be going along, doing my day-to-day thing, when...WHAM!  my breath is taken away by something and I'm overcome with emotion at how blessed we are to be parents...and how blessed we were/are to have gotten little Sissy here without any additional medical help.

Today...that WHAM! hit me while folding little princess panties.  Panties!?  Really!?  Cute little pink panties with yellow lace stitch edging and Rapunzel on the front.  I'm not ashamed to say I hugged them.  I'm so grateful I get to fold little panties.  Truly a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so blessed to have been a part of your journey through all the bad and the good. We must know the bitter to taste the sweet. You have two, very precious miracle babies because of your diligence and obedience through all those trying times. Love you and your cute family so so much.
