
Happy 4th of July!

When all is said and done, my friend Jamie will have been on bedrest for 2 months. Needless to say, she's bored out of her mind and needed something to do. So, I scoured Pinterest for a craft that she and I could make together; something for the 4th of July, cute and easy. But, most importantly, something she could make lying down. The winner was...

This wreath took:
500+ straight pins
7 sheets blue felt
12 sheets white felt
7 sheets red felt
crafting wire
hot glue gun
white cardstock hearts
wreath form

...over 5 hours to create!

I don't think I need to emphasize how much the tips of our fingers hurt today. Do I?

Oh, and Happy 4th of July!


  1. What a good friend you are Lyndee, to create a crafting time for and with your friend. I remember Susie spend 8 months on the couch with each of her last 3 boys....that is A LOT of time lying down!The sacrifices we make to get these little ones here! Best of luck to Jamie and hugs to you, Lyn, for learning those lessons on serving one another so well. I love you :)

  2. Awesome craft idea! It looks adorable, definitely worth the painful fingertips and 5 hours time!
