
Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day always begins a day early for us! We head downtown to reserve our prime spot for the parade and end up sleeping out on the street downtown. It's always exhausting...but fun for the kidlets and they love it!

When we first got there, Christopher had been down there since the night before and was running on very little sleep;  when he gets tired, he gets annoying.  Haha.  Lyle wanted to relax on the grass and Christopher wanted to stick the grass in his ear!

Which, he thought was annoying!  Christopher thought it was hilarious, though.

The city had passed a rule that nobody was allowed to set their stuff out on the grass until 6 pm the night before the parade and me, being the rule-abiding citizen that I am, sat in the car crocheting and reading for about 4 hours.  Ava played with her fan in her chair for awhile.

And she LOVED playing with her Uncle Christopher!  The rest of the night all she has to do was look at Christopher and she would start giggling.  I love the happiness in this picture...it's one of my favorites!

I'm not sure why this picture is sideways and I cannot figure out how to rotate it.  Ava watched Tinkerbell in the car for awhile before she got bored and asked to get out.

At some point in the afternoon, Fox 13 news came by and asked for an interview.  We threw one of Christopher's Uncles under the bus and made him be on camera.  Hahaha. 

At dinnertime, we all walker over to the new Harmon's at City Creek.  When we walked in, Aubre and I heard the Hallelujah chorus;  just look at those shelves!  Utter organization and neatness. 

Once it began to get dark, we all blew up our air mattresses and got ready for bed.  Christopher, Lyle, Sean and Ava and I walked down to the 7-11 for drinks and treats about 11:30 and by midnight were ready for bed.  Miss Ava had other ideas though.  She ended up not going to sleep until 2 am!  Sleeping out on the street does make it hard to actually sleep;  there are always cars going by and other people sleeping out who play all night long. 

I was soooo close to sleeping with her in the Pilot because she just could NOT stop looking at everything.  She fell asleep about 2 am and then about ten to 6 we were woken up by three garbage trucks roaring up the hill and a KSL reporter talking with some of Christopher's family;  so, Sis only got about 4 hours that night.

She loved hanging out with Christopher though!  She wanted him the entire time!  They would giggle and giggle.

Lyle's Aunt Vicki always comes down for the parade in the morning with her kids and her sister and mom.  We also saw Scott!  He was riding in the back of a pickup truck photographing the marathon runners early in the morning.

The Chick-fil-a cow came around to give out coupons and Ava immediately hid in Christopher's shoulder and covered her eyes.  She was not about to get a picture with him!

But, as soon as the cow walked on, she was okay with waving goodbye...

...and saying "peace out".

Ava's clingy-ness has reached epic proportions lately.  She wouldn't even sit with Lyle for two mintues so I could get pictures every once in awhile.   It's endearing and I love that she loves me...but sometimes, it would be nice if she would sit with him for longer than 10 seconds.

I always find it amusing that our religious leader who heads the parade (this year it was President Henry B. Eyring) gets a standing ovation...but the Mayor gets nothing...not even a smattering of applause.  President Eyring had more security than the Mayor did too.

Sean and Morgan LOVED giving high 5's to the police officers  as they rode their motorcycles down the parade route!

I saw a story on the news about this float and how they built it (with a crane) and I couldn't wait to see it!  I wasn't disappointed.  This was easily the coolest float there.  The dirigible looked like it was really flying!  And if you look closely, you can see three people sitting in a handcart, hanging below.

Ava had to wave at every float that went by.  She wasn't super happy about the load sirens, but liked the marching bands.  She's funny that way.

After the parade, we went to Aubre and Christopher's house. We wanted to go swimming, but the weather did not cooperate...too many rain clouds and lightning. So, we sat around for probably two hours trying to decide what to do with the rest of the day. We finally decided on eating at Golden Corral (delicious!) and spent about 40 minutes at the splash pad by the Valley Fair Mall. Thankfully, Ava slept the entire time and I held her so I wasn't in danger of being held over the fountains like Aubre and Lyle (remember what I said about Christopher when he's tired?). It was all in good fun, and everyone had a great time. Once we finally got home, we unloaded the car, took baths and fell in bed. We love the tradition, but it seems like the older I get the longer it takes me to recover! Totally worth it, though!

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