
To Protect

Poor baby girl. She has become more independent lately and wants to do everything herself. It's good and bad. I love that she wants to be more independent; it's always so much fun to see her eyes light up when she learns how to do something new all by herself. But, I have to really control my urge to protect her in every situation. I'm MUCH more protective of her than I ever was with Sean. My heart squeezes whenever I hear her cry or see her eyes fill up with tears. A few days ago, she insisted on going down the front porch stairs by herself. She also insisted she try without holding onto the handrail. Before I could catch her, she lost her balance, fell down two stairs and landed on her face. Her poor nose is totally scratched up and she's constantly playing with the scab. It's experiences like this that remind me itmay not be sucj a bad thing to protect her from life's ills; forever.

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